Author: emily

Pedal Power

We are often asked if our pedal-driven biodiesel reactor could be mechanized. “Automation is possible,” we answer, “but when it takes only about three hours of pedalling to produce a month’s supply of biodiesel for the village of Kinchlingi’s 75 inhabitants, it is not necessary.” …

Editorial: Ask Not What the Economy Can Do for the Environment

The Worldwatch Institute’s recently released report, Green Jobs: Working for People and the Environment, outlines impressive growth projections for the environment sector. The author notes that “climate proofing” the global economy will create great employment opportunities worldwide. Could investment in a greener economy propel us toward a more sustainable future […]

Green Do Gooder

“IT WAS A BAD YEAR,” David Donnelly, Earth Day Canada’s Hometown Hero for 2008, tells me. We’re sitting at a long table beside the open-concept kitchen in the common room at 215 Spadina Avenue in downtown Toronto. It’s the official hangout for socially conscious non-profit groups in Canada’s largest city. […]

Slip Sliding Away

MOST CANADIANS assume that Alberta is getting filthy rich from its hydrocarbon resources. In comparison with Norway, however, Canada’s wealthiest province is failing to live up to its potential. Both jurisdictions produce about the same amount of fossil fuels and have populations of a similar size, but that’s where the […]

No Carbon Copy

IN MARCH 2008, the Canadian government released the latest details of its proposed action plan for tackling climate change in Turning the Corner: Regulatory Framework for Industrial Greenhouse Gas Emissions. It doesn’t include provisions to reach Canada’s Kyoto target of a six-per-cent reduction from 1990 levels by the 2008 to […]

Buyer Be Good

IT SEEMS THAT every time I open the newspaper, turn on the television or check for online news, some company is touting its environmental commitment. I am encouraged to use reusable shopping bags, purchase more concentrated detergent and wear organically grown, cotton T-shirts. Done in the name of saving the […]

6 Steps to Cut the Greenwash

WHETHER YOU WANT to purchase a green product or invest in an environmentally responsible company, deciding where to place your dollars is a multistep process. It includes visiting a variety of sources, appraising the available information, and then synthesizing it to make a balanced and thoughtful choice. The following guide […]