Author: emily


IT’S BEEN OVER 20 YEARS since Gro Harlem Brundtland coined the phrase “sustainable development” in the landmark publication, Our Common Future. Since then, few terms have been so widely applied and produced such positive change, yet been so misunderstood. To pursue sustainable development, companies must minimize their environmental footprint, while […]

Trees Work on the Farm

Agroforestry, the deliberate integration of woody species with agricultural crops or pastures, is an ancient practice that is coming back into vogue. In Europe, farmers used to integrate apple orchards with sheep pasture, and timber or nut trees with cereal crops. In tropical latitudes, farmers imitated vertical forest structure and […]

Notice of My Death

[…] I BELIEVE MY environmental advocacy contributed to making Canada’s environment a little better than it would have been without my efforts. I liked being an environmental­ activist. I enjoyed a good argument (as long as it wasn’t personal), I liked challenges and I liked making a difference. I also enjoyed […]

A Scientific Romance

WHEN I BEGAN writing A Scientific Romance 15 years ago, I pictured the ruins our civilization might leave behind if it died from its own folly like so many others. My tale is set in Britain and told by an archaeologist who travels to the year 2500. I made satirical […]