Archives: Author

Henry Trim

Henry Trim is an historian of science and the environment in 20th century North America. He is a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Santa Barbara. 

Garrett Richards

Garrett Richards is an interdisciplinary PhD student in environmental studies and political science at the University of Victoria. His primary research explores the ways that scientists and policy makers talk to one another about climate change.

Stephanie Cote

Stephanie Cote is a recent graduate from the Masters of Environment and Resource Studies program at the University of Waterloo.

Hanna Ross

Hanna Ross will be starting the Master’s program in Environment and Resource Studies at uWaterloo this fall.

Sarah Wolfe

Sarah Wolfe is an assistant professor in the Department of Environment and Resource Studies at the University of Waterloo.

Michael Young

Michael Young is a Toronto-based writer and actor.

Rose Seeman

Rose Seemann is the owner and operator of EnviroWagg, a Colorado company dedicated to collecting and composting canine waste into safe, nutrient-rich garden soil. She is author of The Pet Poo Handbook: How to Recycle and Compost Pet Waste from New Society Publishers.

Catherine Bird

When she’s not at work, Catherine Bird can be found on her yoga mat, in the dance studio, or taking in some live music at a local venue. She caught up with Danny Michel at Hillside Festival 2014 by Guelph Lake.


Ellie Gordon-Moershel

Ellie Gordon-Moershel is an independent audio producer and writer based in Toronto. She has completed audio stories for Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, PrideHouseTO, Yukon Government, CBC and Deutsche Welle. Her writing has appeared in, Canadian Dimension, Left Hook, and OHS Canada Magazine. Find more of her work at […]


Joanna Wróblewska

Joanna is a visual artist and an art educator with a PhD degree in visual arts. She loves working with people, inspiring them and at the same time, getting inspired herself. She likes to be in constant motion; learning and developing herself as a teacher, yet also as a creativity coach, graphic designer and photographer. […]