Archives: Author

Inderjit Deogun

Inderjit Deogun believes the earth deserves saving. With her nose almost always stuck in a book and her brain on the environment, she has found her calling in both literature and climate change. Inderjit has a background in traditional publishing and communications.

Meg Holden

Meg Holden is Associate Professor of Urban Studies and Geography at Simon Fraser University. Her teaching and research cross the domains of pragmatic approaches to urban and social sustainability, sustainable redevelopment projects, sustainability and quality of life assessment, and social and policy learning.

Jamie Joudrey

Jamie Joudrey works as an independent consultant specializing in natural resource management and renewable energy policy and sustainability issues. She has collaborated with Environmental Defense Fund and IEA Bioenergy. She has a Master of Forest Conservation Degree, a banjo that she never plays, and is currently living in Toronto, ON.

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Michael Torreiter

Michael manages A\J’s finances on Mondays and Tuesdays. The rest of the week, he dons his naturopathic hat and works with his amazing patients at Healing Path Centre for Natural Medicine. He loves canoe camping, cycling, indie music and co-operative housing.


WWF (World Wildlife Fund) is Canada’s largest international conservation organization with the active support of more than 150,000 Canadians. The WWF Canada Blog provides news, views and analysis from their team as they work to create solutions to conservation challenges facing our planet.

John Robinson

 John Robinson is a professor and associate provost for sustainability at The University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Robinson, the leader of the Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability, was named Canadian Environmental Scientist of the Year for 2012 by Canadian Geographic. Robinson was a report co-author and member […]

Alana Westwood

Alana Westwood is a Ph.D. candidate doing endangered species research in Nova Scotia. She was a member of the 2012 Canadian Youth Delegation to the UN climate change conference in Qatar, and you can follow her goings-on at

Julia Hawthornthwaite

Julia is passionate about understanding the needs of business, NGOs, and government in order to help to make environmental issues a priority and create impactful change. She is currently researching Ontario’s low-carbon economy and working as a Policy Analyst at the Institute for Competitiveness and Prosperity, and lives in Toronto. […]

Dan Beare

Dan is an environmental professional currently living in Toronto. Dan has previously published in Municipal World and Environmental Science and Engineering. He specializes in energy, transportation, and climate change policy, corporate sustainability, and environmental planning and assessments. He recently completed a Masters of Environmental Applied Science and Management at Ryerson […]

Melody Fraser

Melody is a second-year Environment & Resource Studies student from UW.