Archives: Author

Peter Andrée

When he is not teaching environmental politics at Carleton University in Ottawa, Peter Andrée grows organic vegetables in Wakefield, Quebec.

Paul A. Kay

  Paul Kay, chair of Environment and Resource Studies at University of Waterloo, enjoys teaching “Nature: Art, Myth, Folklore.”  

Ryan David Kennedy

Roger Suffling

Roger Suffling is an ecologist, environmental planner and adjunct professor at the University of Waterloo. His family has long been involved in printing and design. This article was inspired by rambunctious debates across the dinner table.

Robyn Hall

Robyn Hall is the communications manager for Canadian Business for Social Responsibility, a non-profit consultancy that helps Canadian companies improve their social, environmental and economic performance.

Robert Paehlke, A\J founder

Robert Paehlke

Robert Paehlke is a professor emeritus at Trent University where he taught environmental policy and politics for 35 years. About 40 years ago, he envisioned a magazine that was both scientifically sound and journalistically interesting, and Alternatives was born. “Bob P,” as we call him, sits on the magazine’s editorial board and […]

Robert Gibson

University of Waterloo professor and the magazine’s long-time editor, Robert Gibson chairs Alternatives’ editorial board and writes our back-page column: What’s the Big Idea. He reads every word of every issue and can be thanked for the best – and the poopiest – article titles. Substitution gets us genetic engineering, nuclear […]

Rob Thacker

Rob Thacker is an astrophysicist, teacher, communicator and all round big kid. He is also an associate professor and Canada Research Chair in Computational Astrophysics at St. Mary’s University in Halifax. NASA’s proposed Terrestrial Planet Finder project would study planets beyond our solar system for important clues on the conditions […]

Rick Hyndman

Ray Tomalty

Ray Tomalty is principal of Smart Cities Research, a Montréal consulting firm that specializes in issues related to urban sustainability. He is also an adjunct professor at the School of Urban Planning at McGill University, an A\J editorial board member and a regular contributor to the magazine.